Trump Being The New President???



Description of the drawing:

The Picture is a cartoon-like Trump on a realistic elephant riding to the white house.

The elephant is crying while escorting Trump. This symbolizes that we think that Trump will be our downfall or that he is going to be a decision we regret. The elephant, the emblem for the GOP, symbolizes the reality that we are in and the cartoon-like Trump symbolizes the how much of a joke he is and that we are bringing him into an important position in America.

Talk about Trump:

Donald Trump, republican forerunner in the 2016 presidential election, is a businessman from New York City. He is against immigration, especially with illegal aliens, and wants to build a wall on the Mexican border and also tighten national security on incoming people. Trump is also pro life and against abortion. He agrees with gun rights, and is against taxes in general, Trump is against specifically protecting the environment, stating that global warming is a hoax.

What we think about him:

Our personal opinion, We don’t favor Donald Trump (or any of the candidates) as being our next president. We don’t like Trump because he has very excessive ideas that are uncalled for, such as building that wall. He takes his ideas to the extremes that are blown up to proportions that don’t make sense anymore.


For the class they should answer a few questions.

  1. Out of the things we said about Trump, If given the chance, do you think he will be a good or bad president?
  2. If you were given the chance of being president? Would you become one? Do you think you will be successful?
  3. Do you think Trump has good intentions? If so, What do you believe they are.
  4. Draw a small picture of what you think of him president will be like.

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