Should Artist be Censored?


Ai Weiwei poses as drowned Syrian child Alan Kurdi in photograph

Ai WeiWei Actions Today

Ai Weiwei, the Chinese artist and polictical activist, has recently posed for photos taken on the beach. He posed as if he was the drowned Syrian toddler who washed up on a beach of Lesbos, Greece this past September. These actions make people protest about the world around them today. Governments try to suppress these thoughts and try to hide their flaws from the world.


Do you feel as if artwork such as this should be censored due to the controversy surrounding this?

There has been much debate about this topic due to the fact that some governments have gone too far in there role of censorship. These censorships have been brought forth on a variety of different medias to contain other people’s ideas and thoughts about the world around them. While the censorship could be a good thing, many people feel as if this were a violation of their privacy.

What do you think about this dilemma?

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