Charlie Hebdo


Above is a cartoon from the front page of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, and was published in November 2015. It was posted next to the slogan “F$$$ them. We have champagne!”

This was created in response to the multiple terrorists’ attacks made upon the French this year. It illustrates the French peoples’ will to continue their normal lives even at the risk of these attacks. It depicts how nations such as France will remain strong during times such as these and will not subdue to fear.

What do you think of this cartoon? What does this mean to you and what impact did you think it made? Was this the right response to the terrorist groups?

We believe the cartoon provides some comic relief to certain devastating events that have occurred in recent time. It persuades people within France and worldwide to be less afraid of terrorist attacks, and to encourage people to continue to live life as they normally would. We feel that this was an acceptable response because its shows defiance to the terrorists in a non-violent way. The defiance shows the bravery people will go towards to say, “You can’t control my life. I live my life the way I want to, drinking champagne!”

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